Phelipe S.



The journey with data started in 2016 when I noticed that Excel just didn't meet me anymore in the demands of storage, queries, analysis and data visualization, so I ended up researching and getting to know SQL Server and its power, and as I learned, I got to know others tools, theories and applications and that's where it all started and on the path I'm on to this day!

Data Governance & Data Engineer & Business Intelligence.

Adept, enthusiast, and constantly learning about data and its derivations, technologies, theories, and applications in people's day-to-day lives!

  • Birthday: June 1994
  • Website:
  • Phone: +55 (11) 9-9361-5722
  • City: Osasco, São Paulo - SP
  • Age: 27
  • Degree: Senior
  • Email:
  • Freelance: Available

Experience in data modeling, data loading, data ingestion, data mapping for reporting, presentations and projects. Experience with metadata, which would be the data about the data in question, to have control, accessibility and security for any user who needs or wants to know about the data. I like the idea of ​​taking tasks that only stay in the mind to analysis and applications!

Soft Skills

With knowledge acquired in most of the professional experience and later and constantly through studies, I have skills in:

Data analysis80%
Data management80%
Analytical ability80%
Operational planning70%
Tactical planning70%
Strategic planning70%
Team work80%
Time management80%

Hard Skills

With knowledge acquired in most of the professional experience and later and constantly through studies, I have skills in:

Database - Microsoft SQL Server: T-SQL80%
Database - Oracle Database: PL/SQL 70%
Database - MySQL: SQL 70%
Database - SQLiteStudio: SQL70%
Database - SAP Hana: SQL70%
Database - Microsoft Access: SQL | VBA70%
Database - DBeaver: General60%
Data Modeling - SchemaSpy50%
Data Modeling - brModelo50%
Language - SQL80%
Language - Python50%
Language - VBA50%
DataViz - Power BI80%
DataViz - TIBCO Spotfire70%
DataViz - Power Point40%
IDLE - Visual Studio Code70%
IDLE - PyCharm70%
SAP Gui - Productive CCS - Technical knowledge about transactions and tables70%


Below is a summary of my professional life.

Leaving only the last two professional experiences.

To learn more about my professional experience, please access my LinkedIn by clicking on the link in the upper left corner.


Phelipe Sempreboni

I am an adept, enthusiastic and constantly learning professional about data and its derivations, technologies, theories and applications in people's daily lives!

  • Osasco, São Paulo - SP
  • +55 (11) 9-9361-5722


Technologist in Big Data & Analytical Intelligence

2019 - 2021

Anhembi Morumbi University, São Paulo, SP

The professional in this area is capable of managing a large volume of data related to security, privacy and speed, in order to evaluate information processing technologies in the use of analytical intelligence aimed at Big Data, aiming to support decision making.

Electrical Technician & Electrical Systems

2013 - 2014

ETEC Professor Basilides de Godoy, São Paulo, SP

The electrotechnical technician is a training in which knowledge is obtained to work in several areas of electrotechnics, being a professional who plans, designs, executes and performs maintenance in residential, commercial, industrial and rural electrical installations.

Professional Experience

Data Governance Analyst

2021 - Present

São Paulo - SP - Home Office

  • Development of automations with Python for manual processes.
  • Development of reports and dashboards related to Service Now and Risks tickets.
  • Mapping of internal and external Data Governance risks.
  • Monitoring and continuous improvement of audit plans.

Data Governance Analyst

2021 - 2021

São Paulo - SP - Home Office

  • Development, management and maintenance of the Data Governance Data Catalog.
  • Definition of Data Governance KPIs to measure process evolution and efficiency.
  • Dashboard development with Data Governance indicators using Power BI.
  • Process automation with Python, such as analyzing data from internal APIs and uploading it to a database.


Follow some of my Github portfolio!

We have several projects focused on Data and Data Visualization!

  • ALL
  • ETL
  • RE
  • VBA
  • DTVZ
  • DB
  • TIN
  • PY
  • GITP


In addition to LinkedIn, you can talk to me through the email and phone contacts below, feel free to do so.


Osasco, São Paulo - SP


+55 (11) 9-9361-5722